
Monday, February 11, 2008

Eater and Grower

Andrew’s gestational age is 33 weeks today. He has made a lot of progress and the nurses and doctors are really happy. They have told us that he is not considered a critical baby in the NICU…he just needs to learn how to eat and keep gaining weight. He gained 2 ounces since yesterday…he is now 4 pounds, almost back to his birth weight of 4 pounds 3 ounces. The nurse tonight did warn us that it still may change daily, he may maintain or lose. He is up to 38 cc. of milk at each feeding, which is still every three hours. He has been waking up for most of his feedings and acting hungry. The nurse this morning didn’t want to poke him to check his bilie level, but the doctor on rounds thought he still looked a little yellow. His level is down to 8 and the nurses don’t think he will develop jaundice. I was able to drive to the hospital today…first time driving in over a month and it’s nice to get there whenever I want.

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