
Sunday, February 10, 2008

Bottle Time

Andrew had a great weekend. He spent a lot of time working on feeding. It does take a lot of energy and he can be quite the slow poke. He is just getting used to everything, so the nurses gavage feed him every other time. They put the gavage through his nose, so he can still feed through his mouth. He is starting to stay awake for more of his feedings, but because it takes so much energy, the nurses have stressed that he really needs to sleep in between. They checked his bilie level today (Sunday) and it is down…so that’s great news. He did give his nurse a big surprise when she was changing him…good thing he didn’t save that for his daddy. So it was a busy weekend and nice to spend a lot of time with Andrew. Thank you to everyone who keeps thinking of us and keep praying that Andrew’s feedings will get better each day.

Just starting to remember all of the steps to eat from a bottle.

Suck, swallow, breathe.

He drank a little bit for me, but the nurse had to finish. He doesn't fall asleep for her.

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