
Friday, February 29, 2008

Four Weeks Old

Andrew is four weeks old today! He has grown in so many ways over these past four weeks. This morning, they decided to move him to a crib. I’ll have to post a picture tomorrow. We like to call it a Tupperware container, or a tub on a cart. It’s not exactly what you would picture a crib to be. It does make things easier when changing him and getting him in and out during the day. His isolette is still next to his crib…just in case. Now that he is in the crib, he wears a onsie, sleeper and a hat. He is swaddled in a blanket and he has a blanket draped over him. As he maintains his temperature, he will lose some of the layers. He has maintained his temperature really well today. The next thing to go will be the gavage tube. He hasn’t had to use it that much, but it’s still his little crutch. We signed the paperwork today for his vaccinations and circumcision. So the last thing we are waiting on is eating. He needs to prove that he is eating enough and gaining weight. We feel like we are getting closer to going home everyday.

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